The 3 Week Diet

5 Exercises That Will Build Up Your Glutes, Improve Your Posture And Burn Fat



People who lead sedentary lifestyles often have issues with their glutes, as they can become atrophied and sore. These muscles actually play an essential role in optimizing the strength of the legs, stabilize the pelvis, and support the spine.

Therefore, their strengthening will significantly improve posture and boost your body strength.  By strengthening the glutes, you will be able to perform high-intensity activities and exercises, and they will also be extremely helpful for various sports and running.

Moreover, the strengthened glutes will prevent injuries. Not only will your body will be strong, your buttocks will be firm. You can gain all these benefits in only 15 minutes of your time, a few days a week.

The following 5 exercises are the best ones to help you build up the gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus.

1.Weighted Bridge

Start in a lying position, with the knees bent, and the feet planted firmly on the floor. The feet should be in a parallel position to the knees, a bit more than a hip’s width.

Then, place a light dumbbell on the hips and raise them off the floor, while tightening the abs, thighs, and glutes. If you are a beginner, try it without the dumbbell at first. Then, lower down to the initial position, while the hips are still a bit above the floor. Repeat this 15 times in 3 sets.


Start in a standing position, with the legs at hip’s width. Then, step forward with one leg and you should bend the knee at 90 degrees, and hold for 5 seconds. Return to the initial position, and repeat this with the other leg. You should perform 3 sets with 10-20 repetitions.

3. Squat Pulse

Your legs should be at hip’s width apart and the toes turned outward. In a standing position, your arms should be in front of your body. Tighten the abs and glutes as you squat downwards, with the back straight and the knees aligned with the toes.

Remain in this position, while you bouncing with the buttock, and you lower and lift it. Repeat 15 times and return to the starting position. You should do 3 sets with 15 repetitions. Use dumbbells to intensify the exercise.

4.Donkey Kicks

You should actually start lying on the stomach, with the knees and hands at shoulder’s and hip’s width apart. Lift the leg towards the ceiling, so it is just above the butt while tightening the abs and glutes.

You should not lift it higher than the torso in order to prevent injury to the spine. Hold a bit in this position and then return the knee towards the floor, but do not allow it to touch the ground.

Repeat 15 times with both legs, divided into 3 sets. In order to intensify the exercise, you should strap on ankle weights.

5.Fire hydrant

You start in the same position as in the previous exercise, but the right leg should be opened towards the side so that your hip is opened and the right thigh is parallel to the floor.

Without touching the ground, you should return the knee to the starting position. Repeat this exercise in 3 sets of 16 repetitions.

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